Dear Parents,
I hope and pray you are all safe and well and you continue to be so.
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you an update on the successful first days of remote learning at St Bernard’s Prep in the Pentecost term. Firstly, I am so proud of the effort from all of the teachers to create and establish remote learning for your children, in such a short amount of time. I would like to especially thank Mrs Verma, Mrs Rafferty and Mrs Wilson who have surpassed themselves with the ridiculous number of hours they have worked in order to have remote learning working so well.
Secondly I would like to thank your children, who have fully embraced the different learning platforms and ways of learning at home, which I know is not always easy with so many families living and working at home together.
As always we are continuing to review, reflect and change what we are doing in light of parent, pupil and teacher feedback, which in turn is delivering a very strong curriculum to the children across the whole of the school.
I would also like to share some of the comments and work your children have already completed so far, please access these via the Home Learning Hub on the school website and social media channels (@stbernardsprep Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
May I please draw your attention to the Remote Learning Code of Conduct again and request that you do not interrupt any lessons by talking to the teacher. They must be allowed to teach the lessons to the children without interference. If you have any concerns or issues please contact the school office via, which is the quickest and the appropriate way to contact the class teacher.
The Pentecost term promises to be like no other, but I am confident that with St Bernard’s Prep’s wonderful sense of community and commitment to our values: Love, Work, Prayer, it will be remembered for all the right reasons.
Yours sincerely
Mr N S Cheesman