Dear Parents,
Spring has well and truly sprung at St Bernard's Prep! As always it has been a busy week and of course the best week ever! I am pleased to share with you some highlights of what our children have experienced.
Lower Trans trip to Reading Museum
On Thursday, Lower Trans travelled by train to visit Reading Museum. The children participated in a Pre-History Workshop and loved learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They had great fun dressing up in period dress, building an Iron Age Roundhouse and handling pre-historic artefacts. In the afternoon the children visited the Roman Gallery in the museum in preparation for their next history topic.
Lower Trans and Trans Reconciliation Service.
It was a privilege to accompany both year groups and their teachers to the Chapel of St. Bernard’s to celebrate this Sacrament on Wednesday. Father Kevin officiated and pupils in Lower Trans led the service with prayer and drama. They spoke with reverence and clarity and their message filled the chapel. Both year groups sang with gusto. We shared a quiet reflection as we thought about the challenges facing the world in this Lenten season and prayed for God’s guidance and mercy. This was a powerful example of the spirituality of our children and their openness in sharing in God’s love
Early Years - Spring time and Growing in Love
This week in Early Years we have been learning about Spring and our R.E topic ‘Growing’.
On Monday we went for a walk around school to find different signs of spring. We found lots of daffodils, buds, bees and a beautiful blossom tree. The children have also enjoyed planting some seeds of their own. We have planted beans and cress seeds and the children have enjoyed watering them each day. We have made the most of the wonderful sunshine this week with lots of outdoor learning and circle games.
Coffee Afternoon
On Thursday afternoon, Early Years held their first “in school” coffee afternoon. After two years, Parents were so excited to be the first to be invited in. Both parents and teachers had the opportunity to meet each other and share experiences - all with a cup of tea and a biscuit in hand!
British Science Week 2022
As we reach the end of this week, pupils from Upper Prep to Remove have submitted their Lab Coat designs linked to this year’s theme of food sustainability and waste reduction. The Winners in each year group will be announced next week and the top 3 entries will progress to the national competition. Thank you to all those who submitted an entry.
Look out for World Maths Day this Wednesday 23rd of March were there will be a range of fun maths activities across the school. To celebrate Pi day (Monday 14th March) we want to congratulate our 2022 Pi stars: Aarush, Jayan and Sai.
Trans (Y4) have exploring how sound is made and the different materials which allow the sound vibrations to travel.
Upper Prep (Year 2) have had a very exciting morning, discovering how seeds can be dispersed. They were each given a sunflower seed and had to imagine they were a squirrel or a bird. They moved around the playground and the seeds were dropped or buried. The children were then asked to go and retrieve their seed. Nine children could not find their seed, perfectly illustrating what happens in nature. In addition, we discussed how some seeds are dispersed by the wind, some by water and some by pod explosion. All in all an exciting Science lesson in Upper Prep!
Music News
Berkshire County Young Singer finalist 2022
Congratulations to Devam in Year 6 who took part in Berkshire Young singer finals 2022 at Old Court Windsor last weekend. He made it to the final 15 singers in the county from over 300 entries and was competing against other pupils aged up to 18. Devam was highly commended for singing his songs with clear diction, dynamic range and singing in two languages. Well done Devam for representing the school at county level.
Music Successes
Congratulations to the following pupils who have gained the following music grades in the past few weeks:
Kaiden, Trans (Yr 4) - Violin Grade 6 with merit
Sahas, Remove (Yr 6) Piano Grade 5 with merit
Arjun, Remove (Yr 6) Piano Grade 2 with distinction
Please let the school know of pupils that have taken music exams on any instrument, so we can celebrate their achievements.
Palm Sunday Preparation
Prep (Yr 1) have been busy learning about important days leading up to Easter. They imagined what it would be like welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and talked about how exciting it would have been to be one of the crowd welcoming Jesus.
Lenten Reflection
Early this morning, it was lovely to welcome many families, children and staff to our final Lenten Reflection and breakfast this term. We continued our journey following the Stations of the Cross reflecting upon Jesus’ Passion. Through the sharing of prayers we considered how we can grow and change during Lent, as we all journey together with Jesus towards the light of Easter.
Spotlight on Success
This week's Spotlight on Success is slightly different this week. This week's accolade goes to every single member of staff. Each and every one of them have continued to work their socks off to ensure the children have the best teaching and learning experiences possible. Thank you staff!
Walking Against Hunger
So far we have raised an amazing £610 with our Walk Against Hunger. Thank you all for your generosity.
Reminders and dates for your diary:
21st March - 2nd Hand Uniform Sale. 2 - 3:45pm.
24th March - All children to be collected at midday.
Mrs Verma's Big Ideas for Curious Minds
Science Week
As a school we love to stretch and challenge our children, to enrich their education beyond the curriculum. Every week I will be sharing with you some discussion topics, new vocabulary, Maths riddles and book recommendations, that will infect our children with a love of learning. These will all be posted in the Parent Portal section of our website as well.
Word of the week - Hypothesise (noun)
An idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved.
Several hypotheses have been suggested for global warming.
Science In The News This Week - An asteroid hit the Earth this week! Astronomers in the European Space Agency's planetary defence community spotted an asteroid for the first time, just hours before it hit on 11th March. It was very small and wasn't a threat to Earth, but is one of only 5 asteroids to have been found and observed before hitting Earth.
Calling All Book Worms - Our favourite Science Books
Kay's Anatomy by Adam Kay - A guide to the human body with lots of child-friendly vocabulary that will have them laughing out loud.
Children's Book of Experiments - Fun experiments to inspire young scientists.
Lift the flap Periodic Table - One for the serious chemists (lots to learn for parents too!)
Usborne STEM Scribble Books - These activity books are full of fun science facts, puzzles and investigations.
"When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance." Isaac Newton
Yours sincerely,
Mrs A Verma