Dates and Reminders
Headteacher's Challenge
Closing date for the Headteacher’s Challenge is Friday 16th September. We would love lots of entries to judge.
Who inspires you?
Why do they inspire you?
What do they inspire you to do?
You can present this in any format you wish. You might like to paint the person that inspires you, make a poster or write a short essay.
Congratulations to Raman B who brought me his entry today!
Welcome Meetings
We are delighted to reintroduce in-person welcome meetings for lower and upper school. Please come along to meet the teachers and find out about the year ahead; our expectations, homework, SATS and important dates.
Monday 12th September 5pm - EYFS and Years 1-3
Monday 19th September 5pm - Years 4-6
Monday 19th September 5.45pm - All Year Groups - Internet Safety
School Closure - Thursday 15th September
The school will be closed on Thursday as our Remove children will be sitting their Bucks 11+ secondary transfer paper. Wishing you all the best and I know they will be in all of your prayers.
Open Morning and Evening
This term we wil be holding an open evening, as well as an open morning, to accommodate working parents. As you know our strongest selling point is our children! We would love for children in Years 4,5 and 6 to be able to stay on at school on Thursday 29th September to be our ambassadors. A ParentMail with details will follow, but we do hope your children can make it, so they can give back to their school community.
Thursday 29th September 5:30pm - 7pm
Friday 30th September 9:30am -11am