Dear Parents,
On Friday, Prep (Year 1) led our assembly on Diwali and the significance of light. It was a lovely assembly and the children taught us that light is symbolic in Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Christianity. It always brings me great joy to see our children stand up in front of an audience of two hundred people, undaunted. Well done! Oscar and Iyanu played the piano as the school filed in - a great opportunity for them to showcase their talent.
Elsewhere in school our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been busy sharing everything they learnt in their Anti-Bullying training. Early Years have hosted another successful Little St Bs Parent-Toddler group and been dancing in their pyjamas for Baby Bank.
Anti-Bullying Week
We kicked off Anti-Bullying Week with odd socks, to illustrate that we are all different. Our children wrote letters to their buddies and posted them in our 'positive postboxes'. The message of the week is that we are all different, all individual, and that is something to celebrate!
Thinking School
Philosophy for Children, or P4C as it is often known, is something that we have championed at St Bernard's Prep for some time. Discussing big questions, that have no definitive right or wrong answer, builds valuable skills in children and helps to foster independent thought. This year we have introduced P4C into the weekly timetable and Upper Trans (Year 5) have been trialling an activity called 'Sticky Questions'. One day each week the children go home with a sticker on their jumper, which acts as a conversation starter. There is no writing for this homework - the homework is the discussion. It has been brilliant hearing the feedback from the children about the conversations and debates that these sticky questions have started. Let's keep talking!
Sports Superstars
Well done to Anya, Lyla and Issac who played in a junior hockey tournament for Slough U8 at Reading Phoenix Hockey Club. It was their first tournament, and they won 3 out their 4 matches! Congratulations.
Congratulations also to Dea in Trans (Year 4) who competed in Windsor Swimming Club's Novice Gala. Dea received a silver and two bronzes for her three races. Well done Dea.
Maths Rock Stars
Congratulations to our TT Rock Stars. The competition to being the best Times Table Rock Star was fierce. Congratulations to Pranav, Ramen B and Veeran B, who came First, Second and Third respectively. A great effort - well done! Congratulations to Upper Prep U, who received the award for best class in the same competition. It was a closely fought battle between the two Year 3 classes, but Upper Prep U just pipped Upper Prep K to the post. Great results!
Primary Maths Challenge
It has been a strong week for maths. A fantastic thirteen children in Remove (Year 6) were awarded certificates in the Primary Maths Challenge. We received 5 Gold, 5 Silver and 3 Bronze. Congratulations to:
Gold: Oscar, Evan, Anish, Kabir, Suhas
Silver: Tilak, Hailee, Aryaman, Siddant, Arjan
Bronze: Rudra, Zain, Taara
Fantastic results!
Sewing B
We were delighted to start using our new sewing machines in Design and Technology with Upper Trans (Year 5). The children are making their own bags and are sewing a design on the front.
Pyjama Appeal
Our Early Years children and staff took part in a dance-a-thon on Friday to raise money for a local charity, The Baby Bank. The Baby Bank help families in need and at Christmas they put together pyjama packages, which include a set pf pyjamas, a chocolate selection box and a new book, presented in a gift bag. Our children (with the help of their generous families) have raised an incredible £850! Parentmail is still open if you would like to make a donation. We're hoping to get to £1000!
Dates and Reminders
Thursday 24th - Trans (Yr 4) Theatre trip
Friday 25th - Upper Prep G (Yr 3) Assembly
Monday 28th - Upper Trans (Yr 5) Harry Potter trip
Wednesday 30th - Lower Trans U (Year 3) Liturgy
Thursday 1st - Early Years' Dress Rehearsal
Friday 2nd - Early Years Nativity
Monday 5th - Christmas Bazaar
Tuesday 6th - Panto (EYFS - Yr 1)
Wednesday 7th - Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Lunch and Reindeer visit.
Thursday 8th - Panto (Yrs 2-6)
Wednesday 14th - End of Term
FOPS (Friends of Prep) are looking for volunteers. Please contact Tina Amin-Jalaf (Yr 4 parent) or Reeta Tandon (Yr 3) if you would like to help.
Mrs Verma's Big Ideas for Curious Minds
As a school we love to stretch and challenge our children, to enrich their education beyond the curriculum. Every week I will be sharing with you some discussion topics, new vocabulary, Maths riddles and book recommendations, that will infect our children with a love of learning.
Calling all bookworms
Tulsi, from Upper Trans (Yr 5), offers our bookworms a weekly recommendation. This week is First Term at Malory Towers by Enid Blighton.
Word of the week
Supercilious (adjective) - Displaying arrogant pride, scorn or indifference
"Her supercilious attitude enraged me"
"If we want to be children of the Father and build a world of brothers and sisters, the real challenge is to learn how to love everyone, even our enemies."
- Pope Francis
Apologies for the delay in this week's newsletter. I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs A Verma