Outside the classroom, we have had our first term of breakfast and supper club. Now that more people are going back into the office, it is wonderful to offer our parents the flexibility to drop early or pick up late. We have also had our first term of a whole host of new clubs. Little St Bs, our Parent-Toddler group continue to be very popular and the Early Years children are loving Nature Bs, our outdoor learning initiative. Junior Dukes has been a roaring success, as has LAMDA. These soft skills are so important - it is wonderful to watch our children grow in confidence and independence.
School trips have been taken to new heights, with a visit to see The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and The Harry Potter Studios. I'm sure Year 6 and Year 3 will be looking forward to their residential trips coming up later in the academic year. The Assemblies, Liturgies and Nativities have been wonderful, and we have loved sharing them with parents, carers and grandparents.