Quick quiz
Here are some of the facts that our teachers studied on the inset day - how many of the answers do you know?
How many neurons are there in the adult brain?
a) 500,000 b) 86 billion c) 29 million d) 41 billion
Which of these factors play a part in healthy brain function?
a) Sleep b) Diet c) Exercise d) All of the above
How many neural connections form, per second, during a child’s early years?
a) 5,000 b) 50,000 c) 1 million d) 5 million
Deliberate practice (putting the effort in to learn a specific skill, for example becoming an elite athlete) is said to require how long to master?
a) 10,000 hours b) 5,000 hours c) 100 hours d) 1,000 hours