This week we have seen all year groups learning about internet safety with Mrs Rafferty. Everyone took part in a Guinness World Record attempt, by sending their own individual pledge on how to make the internet a better place.
Early Years have been learning the story of the Enormous Turnip and celebrating Chinese New Year.
We have budding botanists in Year 1, who have been studying the anatomy of a plant.
Year 2 went on a virtual school trip to the capital to tie in with their topic, The Great Fire of London. They have made Tudor-style buildings and learnt how the fire that started in a bakery in Pudding Lane ripped through the city.
We've spanned centuries in school with Year 6 have a Greek Day, Year 3 a Stone Age day and Year 5 studying war poetry.
Our Year 4 children have been looking at Geometry and shape translation this week. There have been some brilliantly designed treasure mazes, putting into practise their transitional instructions - well done.
Year 6 have built on their knowledge of volcanoes from last year, combined it with their English, and written some very powerful poetry.