Dear Parents,
Well, what a year! At St Bernard’s Prep we have, as always, put your children at the very centre of all we do. If it is good for your children, we aim to do it.
This year the challenges have been very different, not just for St Bernard’s, but for all of us.
As a staff we have continually asked ourselves, ‘how can we deliver experiences and education for your children, under such different circumstances?'
The answer, as is often the case, is through hard work. It has been a year of thinking outside the box and of stepping up to get the job done.
We started back in September, full of excitement to be physically back in the building. The end of term came and in January, another Lockdown, and we were back to remote lessons. Teaching online, Assemblies online, sports lessons online.
Thankfully, we all returned to school for the Pentecost Term. The Government had pulled the plug on SATS, but not St Bernard’s Prep. For us and your children it was business as usual. Maths Competitions, Science Quiz and class readers. Camping, London Zoo, beach parties and school productions. Assemblies and Liturgies. Prayer partners and Mass. In sport, matches with other schools weren't possible, but every year group got their Sports Day, we've had 50 children receive a certificate in First Aid, and we were even able to make Prize Giving possible by bringing in a marquee.
And all this hard work hasn't gone unnoticed. The children and staff have been recognised for their effort and dedication with accolades such as the RE Gold Award, Live Simply Award and National Science Champions, to name but a few.
With every additional year at St Bernard's Prep, we watch your children embody the values that we talk about so much. The last year has been a challenge, but the children have proven themselves to be resilient and resourceful. They've developed relationships and have been reflective, and we couldn't be prouder of them.