Dear Parents,
Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and that the children enjoyed the break. They certainly seem refreshed and ready for the action packed term we have in store for them.
In just the first week back we have already had a visit from Fantastic Fred to support the children's emotional wellbeing. Early Years have enjoyed a Vaisakhi Celebration Day. The children loved the Easter Bonnet parade, showcasing entries to the Headteacher's Challenge and Trans G led a beautiful Liturgy that parents were at last, able to attend. Today we welcomed Ark Farm, a petting zoo, into our Early Years department, and hosted a successful Parent-Toddler group for the local community.
Looking ahead to the rest of the term we have so many exciting things already planned. School trips to the Living Rainforest, National Gallery, Ufton Court, Brighton Beach, Matilda, Mary Poppins, Chessington and Legoland.
We have academic events such as the Spell It! Challenge, Baylab science trip, SATS week, UK Maths Trust and GCSE papers for Year 6.
Productions and performances, from assemblies to plays. We are taking part in a Berkshire Maestros performance at the Hexagon in Reading and can't wait for our annual Elocution Challenge.
Our sports teams will be busy with summer term fixtures in cricket, rounders, and athletics, in addition to our two Sports Days, one of which will be at Thames Valley Athletics centre.
It's full speed ahead, and we're delighted that this term parents will be able to attend many of our events. We look forward to sharing a busy and brilliant term with you.