Inspection reports

We are excited to share our most recent Independent Schools Inspectorate report delivered in March 2023 (see attachment below). 

The inspectors highlighted the following key findings:

The quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent.

  • Pupils demonstrate exceptionally positive attitudes towards their learning, working diligently and collaboratively to reach their goals.
  • Pupils are excellent communicators. They speak articulately and confidently, write with high levels of competence, read fluently and listen attentively.
  • Pupils make rapid progress from their starting points, achieving high levels of knowledge and understanding in most subjects by the time they leave.
  • Pupils achieve well in a broad range of activities beyond the classroom, particularly in sport and performing arts.

The quality of the pupils' personal development is excellent.

  • Pupils' spiritual understanding is excellent for their age. 
  • Pupils show strong levels of self-confidence, perseverance and motivation to work hard and improve their learning.
  • Pupils respond positively to the cultural diversity within the school and have a mature understanding of the benefits of working with those from different backgrounds and faiths.
  • Pupils' behaviour is exemplary; they are kind, caring and courteous towards each other.
  • Pupils willingly and enthusiastically take on many leadership roles and make a strong contribution to the school. 

The quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent. 

  • Pupils of all ages achieve high academic standards.
  • Children in Early Years make rapid progress and achieve extremely well.
  • By the time they leave at the end of Year 6, almost all pupils are successful in obtaining places at senior schools with demanding entrance requirements. 
  • In 2022, almost half of Year 6 achieved the top grade possible in foundation level GCSE Mathematics. 
  • Pupils with SEND and EAL achieve very well because of effective and timely support, and meticulous practice and preparation in study skills and examination techniques. 
  • Pupils' achievements beyond the classroom are excellent...highly successful in music and sport, with confidence and experience gained in extracurricular activities, ranging from coding to chess to Junior Dukes to judo. 
  • Pupils extremely positive attitudes to learning can be seen in classrooms and beyond, with pupils of all ages developing a love of learning in wanting to find out as much as possible and to embrace new challenges. 

The quality of the pupils' personal development is excellent. 

  • Pupils develop strong spiritual awareness, as governors and senior leaders have ensured that there is a significant focus on the skills needed for reflection. 
  • Pupils of all faiths [and none] contribute to the class prayer books.
  • Many pupils enjoy a strong sense of fulfilment gained from performance, whether it be drama or music...and [some] are able to explore and express their deeper emotions more fully in the performing arts, when words become exhausted.
  •  Pupils work on behalf of others, in the school and in the community is excellent. They take pride in choosing charities to raise money for...demonstrating a strong sense of duty and service.
  • Pupils demonstrate excellent levels of social development...showing awareness of social responsibilities beyond home and school. 
  • They have a keen sense of the value of collaboration, successfully setting up an eco-club and producing [environmental] initiatives.
  • In discussion, pupils confidently articulated the value and importance of tolerance and respect, by treating all people as they themselves would wish to be treated, regardless of their faith or background.
  • Pupils know that when they are feeling sad or anxious or faced with a mental challenge, they can visit a trusted adult to discuss their concerns. 
  • Pupils were able to confidently explain that no-one is perfect and that we are the sum of ourselves, comprising both positive and negative traits.

To read the report in more detail download it now, or click on the PDF below.