Spiritual Life
St Bernard’s Prep is a multi-faith independent Catholic school where all faiths are respected and celebrated alongside Catholic teaching. We value the inclusivity of the parental involvement of our religious celebrations.
All Faith Teaching
Every Key Stage 2 class studies another faith for the whole year, so by the end of Year 6, they have an excellent, all round, understanding of how each faith interconnects in terms of values, beliefs, morals and actions.
Faith Ambassadors
St Bernard’s values pupil voice and leadership with children taking a variety of leading roles of responsibility which includes Faith Ambassadors who support the RE and Chaplaincy Subject leaders. Faith Ambassadors plan and prepare a range of Chaplaincy and Liturgy activities across the whole school and support with religious displays around the school.
Awards and Recognition
St Bernard’s Prep is an RE Gold Quality Mark Award School and we openly share our knowledge with other educational establishments. We have also been awarded the CAFOD Live Simply Award which encourages schools to show how they have been living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with people living in poverty.
Guardian Angels
Once a year staff and pupils celebrate Guardian Angels which is a week where we have the chance to show our appreciation of each other with an exchange of kind words and often hand-created gifts.