Mission Statement
With God as our shelter and Christ as our guide, the mission of St Bernard’s Preparatory School is to educate towards love and service to God, each other and the wider community.
Through our broad, balanced curriculum we will develop an understanding of each faith and the values we share.
We will treat each person with respect, knowing we are special and unique.
Our School
We strive to achieve a well-rounded education, developing student’s intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual qualities. We foster an appreciation of life-enhancing skills by developing creative and artistic talents. We develop a sense of justice amongst the children, promote human rights and put emphasis on the importance of equality amongst humanity.
Most importantly, our purpose is, in partnership with the home and parish, is to help all members of the School Community to live the Gospel values of reconciliation and forgiveness and to respond in a Christian way to the challenges of life with its joys and sorrows.
Our Aims
- Initiate worship, celebration and prayer within the curriculum as a natural part of school life.
- Nurture a love of learning and to develop as fully as possible, each child's academic potential and talents.
- Generate an understanding of the need for care and consideration for others within our community and the wider world.
- Provide a broad balanced and challenging curriculum enriched with wider curriculum experiences and opportunities for learning; where there is stretch and challenge for all enabling the needs of the individual child to achieve their full potential academically, spiritually, morally, socially and physically.
- Value each child as unique and individual and made in the likeness of God, happy with the person they have become.