Clubs & Activities

At St Bernard's Preparatory school we pride ourselves on the breadth and depth of education provided. We offer after school sports for all year groups and regularly compete against other local schools in football, netball, cricket, hockey and rugby.
Sports Day takes place at Thames Valley Athletics Centre, giving our pupils the opportunity to compete on an Olympic-sized track.

Every year our pupils are entered into National Competitions in Handwriting (SATIPS) and Maths (UKMT), where we have achieved considerable success. We run spelling bees, science quizzes and have a termly Headmaster's Challenge.

The Friends of Prep (FOPS), our PTA put on annual soft play, bake sales and other events for the whole school community.

We are now a LAMDA examination centre and offer many group and individual lessons.

We also offer a wide choice of after school clubs which are booked termly.  Click here to see the full range.  

For more detailed information about the clubs on offer see our clubs and activities booklet here