School Closure - Coronavirus
All schools in England to close on Friday 20th March to curb the spread of Coronavirus
Dear Parents,
As promised, I am writing to keep you updated on government guidance with regards to the Coronavirus (COVID19). As I am sure you are aware, it was announced yesterday that schools in England are to close on Friday (20th March) until further notice, to curb the spread of Coronavirus.
Our school day will finish as normal on Friday. There will be no after-school sports, but homework club is available.
In anticipation of this announcement our staff has been working very hard to put together remote learning packs and online logins for every child. Please do ensure you have yours before the school closes its doors on Friday.
I would like to bring you more information on the provisions provided for children of key workers, but we are waiting for more information on this. As soon as we have clarification I will be in touch.
Best wishes
Mr N S Cheesman